Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS

how does that comment implicate Wiz?

I need to eat breakfast first


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That specific comment doesnā€™t incriminate Wiz whatsoever. I was answering your theory out of turn. Iā€™ll reorder it for your convenience.

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D1: Loses a race, votes Bean at the last moment (breaking a tie between Bean and Jake), nothing else of note.

This wasnā€™t a scumread, I guess.

This is not a good sequence in isolation.

Iā€™m not really reading an agenda in Luciferā€™s posts so much as a ā€œwhat is going on hereā€ vibe.

Today is EOD, itā€™s 5am, Iā€™m trying to sleep and nobody is taking up the hammer in my absence.

VOTE: LuciferChaos if this is more likely to garner votes. I still think itā€™s Wiz though, but I swear nobody else has been here since Lemon spoke with me fifteen hours ago.

Also @Lemonfairy.

Unless Hazard rbed Wiz last night.

Oh no, right.
Gorta was briefly around.

yeah, I ended up spending most of my morning in the living room

tomorrow I expect everyone to be super serious

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I know that I havenā€™t been as serious as I should, but tomorrow I will be. It just feels slow

Itā€™s most likely a bluff
The Hazard thing

@WizKvothe @Lemonfairy @Garfooled @LuciferChaos you are summoned to revive the thread

Wiz/Magnus does not feel like T/T to me
VOTE: WizKvothe

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This isnā€™t an outlandish possibility, and far strangers things have happened. What do you think happened?

I suggested that Hazard should bluff subtely (not-so-subtley)

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VOTE: Wizkvothe.

are we voting yet?

Only if you want to vote.

Why are u looking at me?
Nah we can panic at EoD and then vote last second.