Need For Speed: Most Wanted SFM - TOWN VICTORIOUS

oh LOL

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Donā€™t give hammer, we have a hour and fourty left

Why donā€™t you want to spend time with me ice that makes me very sad and murdery

I woke up a little after 6 and Iā€™m rarely up even that early. If I had been awake for the race, I wouldā€™ve entered it. Iā€™m glad a yownread of mine won though.

did you forhot it was daylight saving

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Iā€™m actually a night owl. I go to bed pretty late most nights.

thatā€™s fucking amazing

I knew it was, but forgot to change my clocks before I went to bed but I donā€™t see what that has to do with anything.

I donā€™t hammer early

I, on the other handā€¦

you woke up at what should have been 5

I know. I donā€™t use an alarm to wake up Litten. I do it naturally.

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I kinda want the day to be over so I can watch the avatar

wolves pretty please night kill me tonight so I could continue binging it instead of playing the game
will thank you a ton!


donā€™t hammer but I am telling you guys my patience is thin rn

I donā€™t think we have enough people scumreading Creature on to hammer Creature right now.

@IcetFeelsPain i have an important duty to bestow on you
are you there frewn

Creature has also done nothing, which is weird
if you hammer early and leafia flips town edit this to say leafia was town and post it at the start of the day

so, itā€™s between someone who has done nothing and someone who has liberally given out scum reads

if you donā€™t attack me tonight Iā€™ll never forgive you guys