Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

I know.


What do you mean by that?

Also, what if he flips town?

VOTE: Magnus

@Vulgard if you plan on switching to me i need you to give me warning :slight_smile:

Arctic and Magnus are mafia in the worlds.

Like even if one is town, the other has to be mafia.

If Arctic is a wolf, Ninja and Guava are always TvW IMO, and yeah maybe I’m being a little hypocritical cause I call out Guava’s TvW reads but like I feel this is the case.
I could be wrong in this one but yeah.

Your entire worldview seems predicated on Arctic mafia. Suppose I do follow you and we’re wrong. What are you going to do then?

I personally feel like the wolves are laughing at us so I want to vote somewhere in the ether. The slots I’ve barely had substantial thoughts about.

where has your magnus read come from?

I’ll vote this with you but I’m voting you tomorrow if this flips town, especially if Vulgard dies.

VOTE: Magnus

His treatment towards you.

If your town, his town read on you is wolf indicative.

Like I guess it could still be Arctic? But it honestly feels wrong now. He’s right, he’s struggled to give any sort of read or worldview this game and it is uncharacteristic of w!him.

cool, once again the entire game stakes on whether i make a correct decision or not because if this is a miss then a town!flygon probably just votes me in lylo

Oh true


I guess he could be frozen or something but there’s no shortage of people to push. And he’s still one of the top posters.

The argument is good.

im an idiot again and thought today was monday

VOTE: magnus

strictly null on this slot but I don’t want me or guava to die

@Kanave Are you around?

In the back of my mind I can still see a Vulgard/Arctic/Guava world but FUCK Vulgard has been so fucking Townie I wanna erase that world from the realm of possibilities.

i’m absolutely not letting this go. if i die tonight i want people to fucking stare at this and go “hmmmmmmmmm”

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You are insane.


if me and vulgard were mafia this game would be a cakewalk for us lol