than by all means, im listening.

This isnt true. Magnus is lying and thats a wolftell

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My rolecard is green.

Nuto seems natural, Jarek (going off past games) would probably be more willing to claim a suspicious role early on as Town. I don’t really know how to read Eliza.

Neon’s votes are NAI, but these three posts feel like she’s trying to build rapport with a joke, and it comes across as seeming unnatural.

You’re just a policy scumlean until I get a better grasp on your slot. I’m not luring you into a false sense of security.

These are open to revision, I’ll be sure to consult with my neighbour and flip his reads because she’s pushing false worldviews.

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im not going to agree with the jack read, because i don’t think he considered it suspicious until i brought it up. Should be noted my read on jack is purely based on my view of fair mechanics and not on his actual behavior, so its not too strong of a read)

Really, hydras are just two-person comedy routines, and we’re getting booed off the stage.


On the topic of neon, maybe? But i dont really know what to tell you there, i don’t have enough experience with their slot to judge what would be natural to them. But i didin’t really trip any “player independent” alarms for me

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as from the read on me, that’s understandable.

In UFO, as evil, Jarek didn’t bring up their role (CPR Doctor) until they could “confirm” themselves.
In Starcraft, as Town, Jarek didn’t claim the same role immediately, but did soft it to a moderate degree. Jarek found the role amusing.
In AI Upick, as Town, Jarek immediately claimed summoning the thirteen Joker alts that would start killing at random because it was funny.

(even if yknow, thats why theres a thing called nullbucket but eh i get it)

Okay but he softclaimed at best, while that looks like a hard claim

(You seem like you’re trying to slide your way into a comfortable townlean and I don’t like that feeling.)

Starcraft example.
The AI Upick alts were public and were possibly antitown.

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Honestly im not. Im the first to sus people who TR me day 1 because i make an effort to not be solvable this early. This is easily verified by going to any previous game i have played

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As for why i would make that effort, its because before i did my wolf game and town game were light and day, which sucked ass when i rolled scum

fine i will roll with it on this, but im not confortable with his role claim

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It was funny.


hey nerds
am back

and I found a wolf :wowee:
VOTE: Neon

now explode

Possible mindmeld? What’s your suspicion on Neon based off?