Then go work and make my eyes shine with wonder.
Who told you I was Australian?
I did. I DM people I see.
(We spoke about you behind your back )
that’s what I’m trying to do, but now I’m sort of rushing my work because I want to at least take a nap
Gorta thats not what i asked. Let me make this as clear as possible. Neon was just dayvigged and flipped as mafia. Do the votes mean anything to you
you did you dum dum
That’s truly horrifying.
Damn it.
And we said that your fur is shorter than one of an usual wolf pfp person.
Self doxxed
Also I’m surprised that you’ve been here since when this site was released, I thought you joined recently.
Wait i have?
Did you suddenly stumble on this site or some?
Like i joined a while ago, but i didin’t know that was arround the sites release
if I haven’t commented on anything else yet what do you think that means?
I don’t know that why i am asking
that’s the issue, if I had something else currently I would have said the thing
Well Gorta, i am sorry, but i can’t read minds, and especially when it comes to an slot known for being AFK, if i get no answer at all instead of a “no i don’t”, i am going to assume you simply went afk and didin’t see it
Like we could have ended this convo 10min ago if you just said “no, not really” instead of going arround waiting for me to deduce you didint