The citrus might be more sore in content than in its bite

okay but that doesnt answer the question


why are those people townie

No lol.

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Magnus doesn’t type like that

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May’s impersonating me.


I think Neon is town for now even though she looks crickey like the last game I played where she was mafia, here she puts effort than, you know, being there existing but not have an effort to do much (prolly she hates being mafia :joy_cat:)

Lemon, I have a perception that she is more complacent as mafia opposed to her starting a wagon and I feel she had an evrika moment when she thought Neon is mafia for some meta-game.

They’re not W/W.

Also I love how her wagon on Neon just died

Oh nevermind, I was checking the votecount from an older post


Lemon and May just finished a game as Mafia paired if you want to check it out.

Dooooo I haaaaaveeee toooooo

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Think of it like homework.

I explained them throughout my iso.

B-But I already did my homework for school!!

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People to talk to

Where you at

People’s Republic of Chatia please rise up

I’m always around.

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The hierarchy is as follows:
The Towncore are the players you’re most confident in being good collectively.
Townreads, townleans, exactly that.
Nulltown, null, nullscum, varying tiers of “I got no clue”.
Scumlean and scumread are just inverted.

This is blatant misinformation. We were masons


Was it a bastard game, then?

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You guys are your own sons???

You are yoson???

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