My bee stepped on a dog

my discord username is my dog stepped on a bee

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I heard Amber is going to retrial.


So she can win.

but literally everyone knows she wont

When you have to pay fines to the man you hate, you’d do anything to not do just that.

but what is she going to accuse him of?

Well she doesn’t have to reaccuse him of anything, she just has to retrial that her verdict is not correct and then has to provide reasons why.

I’m aware

and those reasons are?

now a cat?..

Can we not talk about Depp Heard in a mafia thread…


Have you guys hear anything about Selena Gomez? I quite miss Wyvery Place.


I have absolutely no idea.

Last time I read you I put you as a wolf with 2 real wolves and you voted me and gave the wolves the win.

Kinda my fault for being tunnel visioned on you but still.

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The difference is pretty fucking stark in how prisma acted elsewhere vs here.

I could have arrived there on Marluxion but that’s the past, I shall move on.