yeah, I saw something say that too and the stackoverflow thread recommended or tools which was a lifesaver
See? Told ya poisoning the well is stupid.
Extra guesses are nice, but the real treasure is the information within the hands. Even hands with information you already know are valuable, because this was how I figured out S5’s value.
I was trying to be competitive at first (I figured ash would be the most likely to make a program to solve it, so if I withheld information from him then he might not be able to solve)
but then I realized how much effort that actually solving this would take and figured people would struggle even if I didn’t attempt to screw them over
and then I unintentionally screwed them over twice (first with the 77 DNS, second with going AFK last night)
What was the thing with 77 by the way? Did you make a deal with Luna or something?
she said that if I guessed who would correctly realize that my 77 should not be a DNS, I would learn what it would have actually been
I bet on you
Yeah, it do be hard to not realize that when I have the materials available.
Confirming it was another matter though. You should thank Marshal for making me realize DNS by not submitting in time was a thing.
Wait, isn’t that just the original version?
The unofficial rule was about realizing, not confirming. (Otherwhise I would have given the point for Marshal, since she was the one who pointed out, how it could be DNS.)
Here are some clues. Let me analyze them for you.
Yeah, it was the first clue about the nature of the game, it literally spelled out that all suits have to do something with prime number. (It turns out, Zone realized this fact without my hint.)
It was clubs and diamond. (The first 10 prime numbers, and the last 10 prime numbers below 50.)
This is as it says. I just go with a few digits higher on the prime number list, and put the last two digits of the first ones before the 50 mark, removing the leading zero, if necessary. (I made a bit rearranging to fit for the “no same value in the same rank” rule, but I used 8 number after 100, and 2 of them after 1000.) It was the Hearts.
If you add together the digits of any spade number (once), you will end up with a prime number. I used this sequence for the odd numbers starting from 3.
My version is more lazy, and “designed” to handle more errors. (I am well-known to make errors in games I host, so the idea was to turn this negative into a positive.)
Uh… Me no comprehendo.
…yeah, no. I was never going to see this.
Using this list.
I handpicked the numbers from between 100 and 150, and numbers between 1000 and 1050 and simply cut of the first digit. (101 became 1, and so on… I had to skip 103, cause I already used 3 on the second rank elsewhere.)
Huh… Interesting.