Omega Strikers FM - Saboteurs and Dissenter Win

“We could turboelim someone quickly” is clearly false since we haven’t hammered well-past the amount of time which is reasonable to spend on any single day in this setup.

Timer don’t care.

Rune thoughts plz

@Rune @Drekar

Drekar can answer for himself but in case he doesn’t I will say that i think he bluffed about the shot (maybe to avoid being killed sicne scum will think it useless to kill him N1 if he alraedy shot anyway, if this makes sense)

that being said if i don’t take any mech-related stuff into account i do think hes sus on play


What is a reasonable amount of time for a given day?

……maybe we should have established this as a village days ago :skull:

how many more days do you think the game is gonna last

Ok if I’m shot tonight this is townie from Dubu

(regardless of if I’m shot, but just aware that this may be my last time to say shit)

I initally thought it was Era because Juliette made a post saying ‘Era is officially my mason’ but I don’t think this is the case since Era herself was wondering who she targeted. Unless Era is lying

Isn’t it the timer at the bottom?

I meant in game days

Why are you still talking about this?

It depends on flips? Game can end tomorrow on a miss I’d guess, D4 would be the latest but I haven’t number crunched anything

this is wrong order though. First post is actually my last post about it

Apologies. I knew this when writing the post and that’s why I said the progression made sense, but the formatting got messed up.

@Estelle look at the timer! You have to turbo X! You have to! Can’t let anyone else get a word in, you have to hammer now before it’s too late!

12 player games which go to F3 can last around 4-6 days, planning for 5 days gives us approx 40 hours per gameday.

This WAS discussed D1. We are currently 12 hours off this schedule. If we hammer soon, we should be okay, but every hour we lose is an hour further we will be behind.

Any given elim can be severely delayed by timezone issues, people’s RL schedules, and a myriad of other effects outside of our control. Adding to these delays people dragging their feet makes it so that it may be difficult to get hammers quickly in later days.

Imagine if we end up in an F4 situation. How long do you think it will take to get three people all to agree on one other person? Can we do that in less than 24 hours? 12 hours? That is a real possibility for an endgame here.

My most recent post was meant to be a reply to this.