One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

or basket

It’s hurting because I started getting sick Thursday night.

How is yours?

i think i despise all of you


i agree

I haven’t been feeling the best recently, so I can sympathise. Hope you’re feeling alright.

I’m just happy you’re here. Is there a readlist you could share?

FurtiveGlance has had a 1 track mind all game.

Icetee also feels scummy just off vibes.

Jaiden and May both feel towny to me.

Could see Eliza and you being towny.

That’s all I got currently.

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What’s your reason for voting Zorvo yesterday? The only prior mention you gave of him was this:

Which seemed uncalled for. Was it just a presvote? Why didn’t you explain yourself before or afterwards?

Self-pres vote and didn’t matter to me what he flipped, but him flipping mafia would’ve been a nice bonus to my day.

Imagine doing nothing, then bumblefucking into yeeting a mafia member.

My kinda game.

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you JUST NOW explained this?

why didn’t you say anything?

As you can undoubtedly tell, Brad, most people here are wary about your vote. You posted at the last moment to avoid people changing their vote to you, right?

  1. I wasn’t even here until now so how can I explain?

  2. I was never asked until now. :man_shrugging:

were you around until eod

discussion has centered around you the entire day

No I got on at the final 3 minutes, tried to look at the votecount but the site was being annoying because it wouldn’t pop it up. Saw I was wagoned vs. Zorvo and just voted him.

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I’m a popular guy.

final three??

The number 1 rule: You don’t give them what they want immediately, you make them wait.

Yup, my timing is incredible.