One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

ok fair

I have literally not ever scumread you :+1:


Well. Iā€™m not saying I havenā€™t THOUGHT of a scumread of Icet. I havenā€™t thought at all so that would be hard. Iā€™m saying I havenā€™t ever said anything out loud that particularly implies Icet is scum, and heā€™s implying that I would, which isā€¦ weird. Maybe Iā€™ll start implying it now.

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Not a bad idea.

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Dammit Eliza, stop that!



  • D1: 15
  • D2: 25


  • D1: 38
  • D2: 63


  • D1: 13
  • D2: 26


  • D1: 50
  • D2: 42


  • D1: 68


  • D1: 78
  • D2: 25


  • D1: 41
  • D2: 34

Jarek / @Magnus

  • D1: 11
  • D2: 66


  • D1: 37
  • D2: 28

If anyone is trying to conserve their posts, donā€™t bother. You have an upper limit of 150.

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Not in Forum Mafia. This is for business.

This isnā€™t really a read in of itself. You voted Furtive; Iā€™m guessing you do scumread him, unless you think heā€™s a tunnelled villager.

I do not believe Eliza made 63 posts D2

The postcount is correct, at least in regards to Eliza.

Alright, Brad: hereā€™s the deal.

On the first day you reacted poorly to Leafiaā€™s random vote. When Furtive followed up on this, saying that your reaction wasnā€™t the best, you lashed out and cast a vote back. You didnā€™t explain your townreads, both of which were seemingly conjured out of thin air (May and Jaiden). You still havenā€™t explained this reads. You donā€™t respond as three players voice suspicion on your slot and vote you.

You finally logged on at the very last minute, and cast a reckless vote against someone you didnā€™t have a strong read on, you didnā€™t even care what they flipped, as long as you survived. When pushed for an answer D2, you hide from the thread for 25 hours, claiming you werenā€™t asked anything until now. You were pinged at least twice, and possibly more times than that. You squandered your borrowed time, and if youā€™re saying youā€™d pres-vote again in similar circumstances, you arenā€™t playing the game. Youā€™re just trying to survive for the sake of surviving.

@ElizaThePsycho do you want hammer

I donā€™t know if there is suppose to be sound or not but I canā€™t hear anything so idk if thatā€™s a Yes or No.

ā€œ28 stab wounds.ā€

if we can stop focusing on Brad today and lynch him anyways lets not hammer

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Not W/W with Brad. :wowee:

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I do not.

I wasnā€™t hiding, I just wasnā€™t available/sick.

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