One Step From Eden JK9 - Town wins!

Jaiden (3): furtiveglance, May, Leafia
IcetFeelsPain (2): ElizaThePsycho, Jaiden

Not Voting (2): Magnus, IcetFeelsPain

Do you think Jaiden is reading good, or is it that you’re prioritising Icet?
Would you mind if Jaiden died first?

i dont understand a single thing Magnus has said about my d2 and my d1 is just “well i think brad wasnt bussed”
do you have any actual thoughts on my dayplay

VOTE: Jaiden I lived bitches

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also it’s 9 minutes until EOD im rightfully allowed to hammer

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@Host_Account_5 hammer

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Final VC

Jaiden (4): furtiveglance, May, Leafia, IcetFeelsPain
IcetFeelsPain (2): ElizaThePsycho, Jaiden

Not Voting (1): Magnus

5 Mins to pm me with corrections

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“Wait hold on… you all think Reva is the culprit?!” Shouts Saffron, quite surprised

Reva simply stares

“I gotta go with Saff on this one guys” states Hazel

“I… say she is it…” murmurs Shiso

Suddenly, Reva’s eyes go dark, and dark power begins exuding from her. She begins shouting in a tongue she’d almost never use

“You… You all… You found my host body so easily, so infuriatingly! But I, Yami, will not go down… THIS EASILY”

Reva lunges at Saffron, bludgeoning her with Eschaton.

“Well haha… that smarts… Unluckily for you Yami… Second Soul, activate”

And before “Reva” can strike again, Shiso fires at her, Hazel throws down a Turret schematic, and Gunner fires at her. And before long, she’s collapsed.

“Damn, I knew that spell I invented would work wonders!”

@Jaiden has been banished! She was…


And with that… the game is now over! Congratulations, to the Town!


…am i the first scum to lose two games on a row on fol


There we go.

if anyone ever lists a reason to scumread me as “being the first to vote in a day” again i am hitting them with a rock


i genuinely cannot believe nobody died in the night at all

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why did jaiden attack icet btw

yeah uh. funny story

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Mod note


Play one Step Fron Eden


NIGHT ONE: Attacks Icet
NIGHT TWO: no visit

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well then