Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

Fwiw, she is not in our hood chat and never was.

I’m rereading this and she said that she thought she was bc she was put in a chat with Foolsgold

Basically, I think that first alignment evil set Whysper has an incentive to kill me bc I’m asking her for stuff that she’d only know as a good alignment set, and O know she’d know it as good alignment set

I do not believe that Whysper is second set evil or that is why I died

That was a neut chat. For neuts.
Unless I’m misunderstanding, but I do know that chat existed until the end of night 1.

Misleaders, what info do you have about the 47 hour cycle people and who in there do you think is evil?

We have mech info about two people outside of that group.


The only thing I learned from TGT is that bean’s kidnapper claimed to be able to give oranges so I’m sorry but I’d appreciate the mech info on that to

One thing that’s worth noting is that SpectatoChat all but admitted in our hood chat that they were converted to mafia. Then they died and… didn’t flip mafia.

Therefore, we have reasons to think some flips may be fake.

Well, I have a high degree of confidence in the other flip from today not being fake at least

We think Whysper might be a starting evil, and her not posting since pregame is NAGL. I did call her posts towny, but everything she wrote ITT was before she knew her alignment, so that’s kinda worthless.


Again didn’t like neighborhood posting from her

Boquise is a complete shrug. Gut tells me he’s =rand.

I just asked Osie how many players are alive, he said 19. I asked for a list of alive Playwrs and DunkinDonuts and TimHortons WERE NOT on there



dunkindonuts is lukundo
timhortons is skillissue

Yes I am aware


For gameplay purposes they are not considered separate players


I find that interesting and idk how useful

I’m gonna actually sleep now gn

Vote Check

Voted Voter Votes
Boquise Zone_Q11, SeonRichard 2
Millium +1 1
OwlsWriteLetters -1 -1
Not Voting ATNoLeafia, beancat, Bee, Boquise, DunkinDonuts, FateShirou, FoolsGold, KurosakiIchogo, Millium, OwlsWriteLetters, TimHortons, TownMisleaders, TreeReaper, Tsumugi, TwoPlayersAndAOnion, Whysper 16

We are in “Plurality Midday”. During the Day, if 50% or more of living players are voting, plurality is checked. Minority Plurality still applies, so the player with the least non-zero number of votes will be the presumptive elimination.

Majority is still active at 66%.

Checkpoint History

Game Start
Day 1 Start
Night 1 Start
Day 2 Start
Night 2 Start (for some)
Day 2 Start (Again)
Day 3 Start (For Some)

The next activity check will be 2022-04-05T19:30:00Z for Day 2 and 2022-04-05T06:00:00Z for Day 3.


why do you not want to claim your faction

the implication is that your faction is anti-town, otherwise i don’t get it

I claimed in my first post of the day, and as for my role, I am as close as possible to a VT - I may be able to participate in a neighbourhood under certain conditions.