Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

I’ve been told that I was doused just before the start of second day 2 lol

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Oh we weren’t supposed to be doused in blood before first D2 that was changed

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So we were actually supposed to be doused in blood on our n2 I think, and on that night only, not night

Not night 1

…yeah i give up

If we find out how we can change the voting system, that’s good for us, no?

Once we know how to do it we can just cycle through the voting systems until we get something good.

Or until we run out of voting systems

this is too complex that actions and feedback are just being retconned
what are we supposed to do

Something something it happened during N1 but not N1 for me, yeah Whysper was the person who doused me in blood

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Well anyway, I really should be going to bed. Hopefully we’ll know more soon! :slight_smile:

it is good

Actually coming back to this, I think it was a misunderstanding on asking about Fate’s first slot or S&K’s first slot/Fate’s second slot, but it still doesn’t make much sense that they are no longer a rival after the replace happened. It’s less weird though.

Did you get any benefits yet for solving stuff from ??? chat?

it’s because Osie accidentally kicked me out of the chat before lol

I asked about it and yeah we aren’t rivals with state either when we were with snk

yes we got a factional truth or dare which kiiruma wasted on millium and i still have no idea how it works

Onion have you claimed your faction yet?

@beancat you claim neutral right?

they are spy/werewolf

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Does anyone know Bosquise’ faction?
