Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over


Imo Tsu feels more invested, that’s all I got right now
Anyways I have work, and higher up company is coming in like an hour, so they will be down my throar

I like this mindset tbh

As far as I know, no one has confessed to being a double voter on Mathblade.
Either the hosts forgot to add a +1, or someone is a secret extra vote and they haven’t come out yet.
Which points towards the existence of vote manipulation roles if it isn’t a host error.


Yo CRichard, you should try voting me tbh

I’m already voting you. The VC hasn’t updated, yet my vote on you should be there.


So TownMisleaders and Tsumugi would be our town leaders from what I’ve seen so far.
They seem to be putting in the most effort to lead the town and figure out the mechanics in this setup, which looks like an unenviable task.


Yes… That’s literally what I said…

Thank you for repeating it, I suppose. Though it would be preferred if you’d mentioned my name…

I might be half-blind, but I feel as if I have seen more progressive posts from Misleaders than from Tsumugi.

Fair assessment, as TownMisleaders has been posting more than Tsumugi.


Oh alright then tbh

I shouldn’t forget your eagle eye observation that there is an extra vote on Mathblade came 1st.


Aye… Perhaps I am just boosting my ego at this point though. Realistically, it’s likely that you jumped into the thread without backreading, while also checking the VC.

(Though if you’d actually done that, then I’d question your thought process. There’s been only about 200 posts tops for the past couple hours, so why bother skipping them?)

that’s what I was thinking too
in fact, I think Bee probably cannot post anything but votes

when asked who its master was, Bee also voted Tilgarial so that might’ve been them trying to answer

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Tbf, if I caught the extra vote 1st then I probably would want to trumpet to the thread that I saw it 1st.
The vote manipulation role/s are more likely to be scum sided to me, judging by how no one has come forward to claim the extra vote on Mathblade


That’s what it looks like now

Yes. I prolly should have said this earlier, but the bee is basically me so i dont have to do posts for voting. Post count restriction, yanno?

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I’ve been thinking of something regarding those votes. What if the Bee bot is the double voter?


If the bot is the double voter and can only vote, then it would explain the silence on why no one is claiming the extra vote on Mathblade. If it’s wrong, you’re free to let me know.


Which means that what I said about the extra Mathblade vote coming from scum might be bogus, as we don’t know who is the puppet master controlling the puppet. Get my drift?


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