Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

What events were there?
Did it happen to resemble anything to Valkyria Chronicles?

I think you need to look up what Tautology means. I have to go but I don’t see how you get there.

And if I did I wouldn’t post at all then flip uselessly.

I don’t know if that game or remember it

Y’know what? I think I am done talking with MathBlade.
I am at a point where talking starts costing me figurative brain cells.

However anyone wants to see this, I don’t care anymore.

@TwoPlayersAndAOnion are you in a chat with math?

so you cant talk about anything regarding your role/alignment sound about right?

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Pretty much practically yes. I can claim to be good as that’s part of play but a serious alignment claims I cannot.

there is a high chance that when mathblades slot got revived there was some heavy post restriction placed on him, i’m atleast willing to believe that.

I also am willing to believe the slot came back to life due to their own ability hench the redacted on flip, that being said I have no idea what their alignment can be.

Also before i forget


can i ask you yes or no questions


No/Yes: Do you know why your flip was redacted?
No/Yes: Do you know how you got revived?

I am not sure if I can but will ask Osie and address that after lunch.

it was a copypasta

ik but i wanted to make a joke cause i said the same about math and you gave me an oppurutunity


skillissue said they lied about being village in the hood, but i’m not really sure

whysper has claimed village but her wincon is just “defeat threats”

kuro also claimed village and a difference check on beancat

Pretty sure I saw them claim village at one point.

Pretty sure I saw them claim rebel at one point.

She’s claimed villager

Again I ask

Anyone who has been elimnated and changes roles

What was the color of your role pm before and after???

Rainbows are good. Pride is good in June :)

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so ur color hasnt changed, like its always been rainbow?

i just decided to remake it rather than keep telling you all the things you missed/got wrong

i removed the alts because they are all claimed

Player Initial claim Core claim Difference Check Initial Wincon Core Wincon
FoolsGold Neutral N/A TreeReaper N/A
MathBlade Rebel Spies and Mafia
Tsumugi Village N/A Kiiruma Neutral and Mafia N/A
Zone_Q11 Town N/A based Mafia and Werewolves N/A
Boquise Town N/A N/A
Tilgarial Neutral N/A Millium Have 3 factions fulfill their wincon N/A
Millium Rebel N/A Complete 3/6 tasks (a task includes defeat spies + mafia) N/A
KurosakiIchigo Village N/A beancat N/A
Whysper Village N/A SpectatoChat “Defeat threats” N/A
based Neutral N/A Boquise Every living player has handled their laundry N/A
OwlsWriteLetters N/A SeonRichard
SeonRichard Citizen? N/A Lukundo N/A
SpectatoChat Neutral Mafia Whysper Defeat threats - one is Town
TwoPlayersAndAOnion Rebel Spy? Complete 3/6 tasks (a task includes defeat spies + mafia) Defeat “threats”, ensure faction members obtain core role
Kiiruma Town Mafia FoolsGold Mafia and Werewolves Defeat “threats” - one of which is Town
beancat Neutral N/A OwlsWriteLetters Survive N/A
TreeReaper N/A
FateShirou Town Mafia Zone
TownMisleaders Village N/A SonicAndKnuckles Spies and Werewolves N/A
ATNoLeafia Town Neutral OwlsWriteLetters Fruit related?

sometimes “and other threats” has been omitted
i don’t know what beancat’s source for half of these is so that’s probably worth cross-checking