Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

I’ve been feeling this a bit as well. He’s been saying things like I’m happy with the game state just because I joked during the start of one of the days about the situation. I didn’t think much of it when he first said it, but I later saw him bring it up again in a way that suggested I might be scum for it. And he keeps commenting that my chart is “massively” wrong when it was just a matter of like 3 missing 1st roles due to them being missing from the official list of dead players (BTW, just noticed while double checking that beancat’s 1st role name is there, so need to update that on my chart. But the other 1st roles are still missing for some reason)

I do wonder if TreeReaper can’t really endgame with that 1st role. None of the 1st roles have colors. Though they should be dying to poison by next day.

Oh, I forgot to update the color for beancat

to eliminate werewolves, spies, and other threats

Hmmmm, not sure if mod errors, but some colors seem to be different now. Like Zone was announced as Black+White on Discord, but I see in the list now that his role is Red.

Fixed a couple colors

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I received a reply that Zone’s color was indeed Red instead of the Black+White from the flip. When I asked if the colors were important, I got back a reply that they aren’t irrelevant.

And just a shrug when I asked if it just mattered that they have a color

Nothing happened to our alignment/rolecard fyi. Would be weird if a temp vote could have that effect anyways.


I’m speculating it’s not a coincedence we have someone ressed after dead players talking day


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Yes. Now that you bring that up, that did happen too
I know they did it to tsumugi, and i can see them doing it to me
And i think they did it to seon too

It’s never anything too big, small comments here and there, that build up on each other
The first twists something in a certain way, nobody complains because it can be seen like that
The next cites that, or goes off of it, or whatever, and is just a little but more out of place.

I’m honestly not too sure if they’re just that good, or if I’m reading too much into this, tbh

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What was your night action Tilg?


Yeah, true. I wonder if Millium did something in particular to be chosen, or if the choice was made some other way.

None, i dont have a night action
Technically I have an align check, now that I think of it
But I forgot I had that during night phase, lmao

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1-shot, from the shop

@Millium why do you trust Owl? I contemplate it’s within them and/or Tilg atm tbh. I don’t easily see Tilg making a mistake like that on Tsumugi and Owl is still scummy. All that changed is they used a public vig on an actually strong m-word role.


Could millium have been brought back evil? ~ Gorta

Are you sticking to a majority decision? We can use it as another vote then basically.
