Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over


Do you have any reads?

Is funny, this is only the second time I’ve asked this the entire game

Vote: everyone except SpectatoChat! (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧

The first time was asking Osie

I have read almost nothing in the thread but got the impression most or all people are still in the dark regarding their alignments
I see some people being useful and I won’t vote them
That’s about it

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Not all people are in the dark.

I don’t have confirmation on this but it’s very likely seeing as some people have day actions know to them

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Aaaaand I gotta go again
Will dip in and out today

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Well that’s good to know

Well the thing is B could stand for the word which was used after it in the announcement.
It also could just be the fact that there’s a 97a too
But the fact we’re at 97… just how many rules do we have to unlock?

Vote: :banana:

It’s possible people know their alignments because knowing your alignment is a piece of role info and there is many ways to have gotten a piece of your role info.

It is also possible no one got an alignment as their role info but its def food for thought

I don’t think there will be 213+ rules, but who knows… it’s not as outrageous as 1000+

i dont have spotify

I am now alive and awake

This is probably a wise decision, but I’m going to prioritise my anti-vote on my wagon if that happens obviously :wowee:

Would I sound like a conspiracy theorist if I said I believe there might not even be any scum right now, or at the very least they don’t know they are ascum

i mean that prob what is happening

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What are we supposed to do if there aren’t any scum to find
How am I supposed to read people without them even knowing their rolecards

I have an idea. I’m treating this first day as a game of survivor.

@Millium @SpectatoChat @Tilgarial @Chihiro @SeonRichard let’s form an alliance as anti-voters and let none of us get voted out and let the people with the votes figure out who is dying

…dont forget we can also change from/to anti-voter by mentioning the long yellow fruit in thread, so it’s not quite as cut out as the current numbers make it seem

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I mean, I don’t think any of ya’ll would be my choice of yeet
But I already quit the anti-voter being as of now, and anybody else can currently choose to become one too…