Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

thrice but it was on tos forums and i didnt last long all 3 times

I see. We’ve had a few forum Danganronpas last till end game on the old FoL.


So I guess that was me you defended?

Speaking of Forum Danganronpa, there should be one opening for signups soon.


Vote Check

Voted Voter Votes
SonicandKnuckles Kiiruma, TownMisleaders, TwoPlayersAndAOnion, +2 5
Tsumugi TheLukundo, KurosakiIchogo, +3 5
TheLukundo beancat+3 4
TownMisleaders +3 3
ATNoLeafia +3 3
Kiiruma +3 3
DkKoba +3 3
SkillIssue +2 2
FoolsGold +2 2
OwlsWriteLetters +1 1
Millium +1 1
Zone_Q11 +1 1
based Tilgarial -1
No Elimination DkKoba 1
Not Voting ATNoLeafia, based, Boquise, FoolsGold, FateShirou, Laurentus, Millium, OwlsWriteLetters, SeonRichard, SkillIssue, SonicAndKnuckles, SpectatoChat, TreeReaper, Tsumugi, Whysper 16

We are currently in “Maj-at-EoD”. Plurality voting is still on a Minority System. At the end of the day, the player with the least non-zero number of votes, if they have votes equal to fewer than 50% of voting players, is eliminated.

Majority is still active at 66%.

Vote Check History

Game Start

The next vote check will be within roughly 6 hours or less. The next activity check will be 2022-04-02T18:00:00Z in your account’s time zone.

Anything interesting happen? :sleepingleafeon:

Aside from the vote check I mean.


There were 2 hidden rules revealed that explain stuff with the attack, or, defend options

This post here

/vote KurosakiIchogo

I guess I should vote my rival since I’m suppose to figure out how to impede him :slight_smile:

@TwoPlayersAndAOnion i think we deserve to be unvoted

/vote sleep

Ahhhh interesting :slight_smile: This reminds me of that cool Korean movie Along with the Gods about Buddhist hell.

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I didn’t want to use RNG and I chose you because you are in the middle of the player list
Did I make the right choice?

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Haha, not sure yet what will come of it. But I guess it made you my rival :slight_smile:

Is this an automatic effect of my choice?

It’s from the 2 hidden rules about how the attack, or, defend options were handled

An interesting twist