Owl House FM - Town wins!

You’ll also have voted all the villagers tooso worst townie if you’re town.


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I won’t have self voted, so won’t have voted all town!

I love the sus everyone so that you can claim to have sussed all of the wolves strat

So? All but one if you’re town.

It’s stupid, but technically correct

Wishing for titan blood votes being transparent is good on paper, but its not necessarily town motivated wish if you intend to prevent from granting this wish later on by someone else.

For me, I want to know who is voting today and their fates depends on their vote

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I have no idea what’s going on with the titans blood thing

I read the description before game start

But I remember fuck all about it

Lets someone act twice.
I don’t want that ever.

I see
Thank you

You get buffed

Ah icic

Vote in role pm
Person acts twice
Each use consumes a shot if it’s multishot
Can only get titan’s blood once per game


Someone suggested voting Frost, I’m not opposed

If most voted person already had titans blood, instead goes to most voted player who hasn’t yet had it.

Hence my request SoG for people to say when they’ve had it.

it should??? damn I didnt realise sorry

That would be me. If Frost wants it

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good morning

this feels disappointing for FOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, saying this now. No one should vote for me to have Titan’s blood. Especially N1. All my night ability does is allow me to choose someone and I learn who they voted for to get Titan’s blood.