Owl House FM - Town wins!

If most voted person already had titans blood, instead goes to most voted player who hasn’t yet had it.

Hence my request SoG for people to say when they’ve had it.

it should??? damn I didnt realise sorry

That would be me. If Frost wants it

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good morning

this feels disappointing for FOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, saying this now. No one should vote for me to have Titan’s blood. Especially N1. All my night ability does is allow me to choose someone and I learn who they voted for to get Titan’s blood.


I wish to become an innocent child


Far too late

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I can’t control when I get online :pleading_face:

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Missed the whole wishes thing

We know.

Massive Fs for Jarek and Cape, missing wishes

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L m a o

I’unno why
But that almost makes me want to town read Leafia

But also it makes me want to wolf read her harder

So like

Read unchanged

Who suspected that they sound evil to me

defending someone from getting D1’d is like blatant pairing to the point I don’t think a wolf would bother

Yes, I did overexplain that it did not move my opinion on her

I dont remember who, I just noticed it when I was skimming/reading during my catch-up

this ended 35 minutes ago btw


I really dont want to believe this post lmao