Owl House FM - Town wins!

Okay. Townlean then.

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@Multiverse @Zorvo just because you asked for the reasoning. Here.

Public role cop has 1 benefit: It’s basically unfakeable.

And 1 huge downside: We could accidentally reveal someone and wolves might be able to just murk them, since we don’t know what wolves have.

So while it sounds OP, it does have a downside. Just not a big enough one I feel like


I feel like public rolecop would never get accepted not because it’s op but because it’s boring for everyone

We reveal a wolf town is bored we just hammer that and move on
We reveal a town wolves are bored their kill is forced — we also all know exactly who’s gonna die

Like there could be protectives in play but just in general everyone knowing someone’s role is really boring to me :man_shrugging:t2:


If you mean my actual name no
im TodaysStory everywhere now


I sort of disagree with you here but I do agree that it probably won’t be granted.

I’ll be honest, my intention as of this moment is to vote to give titan’s blood to Frost. As I think his wish is almost always +ev for town.

If it benefits you Frost and you would want it, you’re a relatively safe target. We get more info (hopefully) as time goes on

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I wish for a neighbourhood with min and abigail


do u think u could explain why? like what posts do you see that make you think “oh yea this is town zorvo”

Yeah. I’m fine with giving Titan’s blood to Frost D1.

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…Abigail is in this game?

i never said she was in this game


Who is Abigail?

holy based

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Meh, worth a shot

I wish for a public role cop

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look at this cat




Leafia is probably wolfing tbh