Owl House FM - Town wins!

For me to be a wolf I basically have to have voted gummy out late or not it was still done

then I had to vote Luka for “being a neut ect. ect.” which is a reason of all time

then I had to vote Icet because Eliza told me to

I mean I am a pretty big goof sometimes but :pleading_face:

That’s it I’m going to take a nap now


Still think it really is just Guava

Ah yeah of course, but you had to go for MultiVerse previously

Look how that turned out genius

@Apocryphal Why don’t you think its Jarek or Cape90?

I mean
It can be one of them but

Why does mafia (try to) kill me?

The best reason is “I might be unprotected”

But If they took Zorvo at face value, their best kill would have been him, not me for the same reason, but inversed, “I might be protected”

I think it’s a paranoia that doesn’t need to be dealt with right now when the most logical action was killing Zorvo, and only if that was proven wrong do we go for Cape/Jarek

It’s like

How do I put it

You don’t clear the outer (vaguely) more towny PoE before the inner PoE

Mechanics and logical mafia actions point to killing Zorvo first, as shown by the fact that he died last night

Therefore, whomever was on him n3 is more likely to be wolf

Since he end up healing himself N3, he have to depend on me to keep him alive.

The problem I have to deal is from Today’s mech who suspects Eliza is the hit

So I went using Eliza > Zorvo and Zorvo still died, so its not her.

It was good attempt, but alas.

he :eagle:

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Then what has this to do with Guava?

Anything useful?


Like, what was it? You have to target two players right?

unfortunately not

hod i am coughing so much and its painfuk goodness gracious

so youve cleared eliza?



Correct, I went for Eliza > Zorvo


pretty cool pretty cool

eliza being cleared :sunglasses:

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