Owl House FM - Town wins!


i guess ill have to deal with that eventually if its the casešŸ’€

Ice do something productive you can do better

Itā€™s listed as role madness and also might contain extra hidden mechanics. Would not be surprised if this includes anticlaim


fair, but you did bring up the fact that you disliked the joke push things reasoning later on in the game

them being able to forge wall posts is possible, not denying it. Regard tho I think that its still townie + I like there content progression so far. Nothings felt forced and nearly everything they said has generated content(aside from like 4 statements but with there amount of posts thats fine)

Also Eliza is liking my posts. Seems Eliza will be here later

going for lhf

I would not
@ElizaThePsycho explain why you agree with this? (I assume you do)

Luka, Leafia very easily paired. Do make note

Man Iā€™ve read like only 200 posts so far and there is already so many accusations being thrown out


my loo at circle looks like Icet/millium for the most part right now.

Not impressed with a lot of milliumā€™s content that I missed

If used properly it can be actually busted. IE: Learn the entire wolf team. Its powerful seems a bit overtuned but the restrictions leafeon said was placed on it makes sense(IE: They cant claim it, as that would be op). I assume some WOTM would have been used with the ability but shrug. Either way at least imo it already makes sense, and a scum claiming the ability that leafeon is claiming feels a bit unlikely given how like. useless it is past D1, scum wants to appear useful. At worst leafeon could have waited till later to claim that as scum which would have been smarter given you can pivot into something else if you dont like the original plan. Dont know how the mech is that hard to trust

Do make note how I asked you ages ago for examples of your original read(My reads coming off as fake iirc) and you still havent answered. Fun how that works js js

Skill issue

Rude :(

VOTE: Leafia

Just to make a more viable wagon. Since then thereā€™s 2 of us

How do evil chats work here? If its just a GC on the forum then this isnt really AI

Nah the wish thing is a lie Iā€™m calling it now the restrictions theyā€™ve mentioned only mentioned public info and killing abilities

so what stops me from wishing to know the entire wolf team privately and then outing it, thatā€™s not neccessarily public info since only I know the info that I got

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And I said I was on mobile. Maybe you should try reading more of the game and less of your maf chat. Js js

VOTE: Leafia

Iā€™d rather know for sure theyā€™re telling the truh by killing them

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