Owl House FM - Town wins!

Where are you seeing it? Wolf chat? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I am seeing it with my eyeballs


:eye: _:eye:


i expected more posts in an hour

probably one in leafia/luka

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Vote Count

Jarek (2): Millium, guavagudetama
Leafia (2): Jarek, Cape90
Millium (1): IcetFeelsPain
IcetFeelsPain (1): ElizaThePsycho
Cape90 (1): Luka

Not Voting (10): Apocryphal, min, Zorvo, Frostwolf103, Kork, Wazza, Leafia, TodaysStory, Multiverse, Kiiruma

given Jarek/Cape see the same thing and im likely to agree, Jarek is on the backburner for now
VOTE: Leafia

Cape called it being serious, but the post isnt even bad because its serious, its bad because the reason isnt really real, it feels like something mafia would make up to hide their tmi, and honestly it could even be a on a partner if u want to be spicy

Luka also doesnt have the greatest entrance, and I dislike their vote on cape

i mean they were a wolf in my last game, and the game previous they were not a wolf, but could never managed to get out of the poe, and died like day 3 or 4, so they can certainly survive longer than day 1, and in most cases, the collective community tends to give players like Eli more time unless extremely heinous in their posts

Iā€™m not saying she canā€™t be a wolf Iā€™m just saying I donā€™t want to d1 her

idk, if elizaā€™s posts are bad enough I would certainly vote them out
too premature to outright make a statement like that


Iā€™m not going to be available until like tomorrow afternoon


Oh youā€™re in this game

Nya vineboom


I see. Iā€™ve seen somebody solve alignments for less but ig thatā€™s fair


A: my entrance is always great
B: I thought the reasoning for capes vote on leafeon was weird. This feels like TMI at worst and a poor push at best VOTE: Millium

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NGL, I vibe with this read.

I can confirm. Jarek said this exact thing as town in a game I was neutral before.

Is Leafia going to actually be a top town for once and not a LHF wagon option?
Or is this a wolf town reading a teammate?
Hard to say. But if Leafia is town it would be cool for them to be ML Immune this game, that would be awesome.

Lol, spoke too soon.

And I vibe with it. Leafia/Luka W/W

This is funny. VOTE: Luka