a solid 3/4 of my texts is just me sending the weirdest possible things i can find on tiktok to my friends
So was wisdom, the claimed joat
So was wazza, the odd night spam vig
orange saying that there’s even more suggestive flavor?
one had to get nerfed pre-game
yeah it’s weird
Dam. didn’t know flavor was really that powerful
fwiw I like the final flavor more than the original one specifically because of the nerf
the main downside is that, well, I’ll let past me speak
safe search
literally not an option
I don’t think I’d get any hits whatsoever
safe search does not block the degeneracy lol
If wazza isn’t mafia then wolves are in hippo/blade/moonwink/wisdom/BS exclusively otherwise there’s no way they’d leave her alive
This would just make a hippo/blade/wisdom team which is something I can see happening
Ggwp litten min
And windward
Too many deaths
I see what you are saying there
I think it should be p obvious to a village wazza what’s happening here, so I want to see what she does
blade is outted mafia atp in my mind
misty probably town for that