[PAC] Dead Chat

it would have been funnier if global rules linked to forum ones

Worst host ive ever seen

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(I closed the thread)


yeah I mean the last time I played an orange game he literally got Mafia banned from the site so

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It bugs me that coming to this PM from the main thread makes likes disabled here

Will i do something about that? Probably not lol


yeah i was about to say this

i’ve only noticed it the past couple days tbh

unfortunately this is probably a correct assessment

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I don’t know why misty scumreads wisp other than fake sounding ATE
and wisp mainly scumreads misty because omgus

looking at these reasons i would not be surprised if it was v/v

i hope someone realizes hippo has been ignored for no reason

I get why wisp is titled

I probably should have tried to make wagons better at eod it’s just

I thought moon atp was just a wolf and just wanted to vote them out even tho i didn’t really case them

I would have probably voted misty over wisp tho

I wish wisp would actually like

Do something other than complain about being pushed

He’s never actually pushed back against his accusers or on anyone really. I dont think he’s made any actual push this game

Like idk what he’s been doing - why is it so hard for him to push people?

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someone with more misty experience tell me if their recent posts are townie
I think they were but idk how misty acts in end game as a wolf
I guess reading into whether they actually have their mind open would be important in solving that slot

Like when marshal was dunking on him he kinda just sat there like “huh what”

He’s really not doing himself any favors

I think that’s just a wisp trait

I’ve never seen him be this limp dick before

Why the heckerino is hippo so high on that list

now that I think about it I caught wolfwisp a long time ago for similar play to this

I marked that game as an anomaly because it was f3 with me wisp and Emilia (yes, the Emilia back when they trolled a lot)
and they were just
similar iirc? To this

still think they are probably town
idk how I got around to wisp w there but I was so happy when I voted right

it would be nice if i could win a game