[PAC] Dead Chat

No worries lol, people still thought I was wolfing up until my flip apparently

I am clearly bad at the game if people still thought I would flip wolf


I was pretty sure you were town after adding you to the neighborhood

but I couldn’t really say that in thread :man_shrugging:

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nono, I got misexe’d this game so I have decided to adopt the principled stance of ‘if you are wrong on a slot it’s your fault and you should be blamed for it’


that was supposed to be a reply to Litten


oh yeah I found one last funny quote from orange


Yeah but only our hood thought I was actually town lol. Oh, and Litten.

Everyone else was complaining I did nothing to contribute cause I sat on bladescape for half the day and Hippo the other half, and gave a long paranoia take on Wisdom that everyone shot down

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but that string of 20 stream of consciousness posts before eon when nobody else was online was just too hard to fake imo

I mean ig town didn’t see those posts but you were still clear in my eyes for it xD

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Well that’s why I asked moonwink to sort of confirm what I said

What I’m surprised about is that nobody accused the two of us of being w/w which is what I would’ve expected given that people sussed moonwink and me separately

you were obv town

people accusing you was ???

I did say in the thread that I was probably out of my wolfrange in the hood but not in the thread lol

Well, Wazza who shot me and was miffed that I hadn’t flipped

Hippo is probably just a wolf because he was just omgusing me without voting me, since I think he believed my claim because he knew I wasn’t a wolf :person_shrugging:

I think maybe Illwei still thought I was a wolf but I decided by then that she was town and nobody was listening to her either

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I still love the fact that I asked orange if night actions were locked and whether I could change my target in the middle of the day when no one’s action has gone through that night


Litten you should hydra with orange
you have a funny dynamic that would probably also be amusing itt


what funny dynamic


knowing orange he would get us mislynched as a power role

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Do we know how many wolves are left? Lol