Redirecting still affects the use of the night ability.

would it like give the message tho

yea its different message

I got roleblocked message twice, 0 redirect messages

Okay lemme go through some possibilities - iā€™m probably gunna miss some things. These are just possibilities they arenā€™t probabilities and Iā€™m not factoring in what I think is/isnā€™t true except for with catbae:


  • Could be a wolf investigative lying about the n2 roleblock
  • Could be a wolf with eaves, and lying about one or both roleblocks
  • Could be a wolf investigative telling the truth about the n2 roleblock, and whoever did it hasnā€™t outted it yet (very small pool tho)
  • Could be town telling the truth about the n2 roleblock, and it could come from a different villager
  • Could be town telling the truth about the n2 roleblock, and it could come from a wolf


  • Could be a wolf who is w/w with Someone, and Someone fakeclaimed being roleblocked
  • Could be a wolf who roleblocked v!Someone and v!Hazard
  • Could be a wolf who roleblocked v!Someone and lied about roleblocking Hazard
  • Could be town telling the truth


  • Turned into 1-shot role on n2

Okay so letā€™s see

Eaves V:

  • Someone roleblocked n1
  • Hazard roleblocked n2

catbae V:

  • Turned into 1-shot on n2 (not by Hazard unless Hazard/eaves is w/w)


  • Roleblocked on n1 (confirmed investigative unless w/w with eaves)


  • Roleblocked on n2

Am I missing anything
Fuck i hate mech my brain hurts i dont wanna do this

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The issue is there are way to many options if i keep all 9 ppl as potential evils

not much but heā€™s towntold for a newer player imo

(i literally forgot he was in the game earlier - theoretically he can be the scum PR but based on available evidence i doubt it)

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ok im gonna pretend he dont exist then

so is the 2 evils in me/ash/hazard/eaves/bystander


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like are we locking it to these

ok I can solve from that lemme tree

this all feels sorta villagery from Someone ngl

It still tells you. Not sure if itā€™s the same exact message or not though, but I donā€™t think it would be.

Okay so somebody in Someone/bystander/Ash turned catbae into a loser

Who is the most likely wolf in here

Goes exactly like that

Out of those three, Bystander.

I am gonna assume mafia wont roleblock mafia, but i am kinda assuming eaves is telling the truth even if they are evil on who they picked so like

Hazard can be evil in the eaves evil world