And im livid

@eaves why the fuck did you not say you redirect not roleblock

I was roleblocked again and made 1 shot

And the fact that I was never redirected means that the roleblocker is redirect immune so Hazard can easily be evil to

meaning all the mech goes out the window

So we cant miss or we lose. Pain

Yea cuz of double kill

and 2 evils with 2 exes left

Im so fucking pissed at eaves

In this moment in at most they can get is a triple kill even if we all claim but this requires us to hit a mafia correctly.

I didnt get to do shit all game cuz of bs roleblocks

So should I say more stuff about my role right now to explain some stuff.

and I am livid that nobody did shit to prevent that

on the plus side, any info anyone got tonight is 100% true

cuz both evils targeted me

And I know that catbaeā€™s thing is real which really narrows down worlds

Pls do you have like anything

that can solve this shitshow

Ok, so I have three finals that Iā€™m working on tonight, so I will be sporadically active tonight and properly active from tomorrow on.

Current thoughts:

  • Eavesā€™ role doesnā€™t explain Someoneā€™s RB message. If Someone truly is an investigative, then Eaves actioning him would have just made Someone get information on himself. For example, if heā€™s a roletext cop and got actioned by Eaves, he wouldnā€™t have gotten the RB message; rather, heā€™d have gotten his own roletext back. Two options here: either someone else was responsible for the RB, or Someone has lied about being RBed. I am strongly leaning towards the latter.
  • The Eaves thing means we also need to reconsider that chart that Someone drew. If Someone is telling the truth - and thatā€™s a big if - then thereā€™s still a mafia RBer in play, and from what I understand of the chart, that means it was built on a faulty assumption.
  • For all intents and purposes, assume that Leafia, Catbae, and Meme are town. We can reconsider those based on today, but given that a strongman kill means weā€™re down to only have two votes, we only ever vote into Someone/Bystander/Hazard today.
  • We should also start actively considering a massclaim; mafia is clearly at 5 3rR0rs, and even if they get a second strongman kill, it would not change the number of votes we have to take out mafia, instead just turning F4 into F3. Given the POE, I do not want either Leafia, Cat, or Meme to start such a massclaim.

Iā€™m going to have to go now, but I will confirm that I targeted Someone once again.
I also do not believe their one-shot claim in the slightest, so I am almost certainly going to vote Someone.
Iā€™ll return once Iā€™m in a stable enough position with my work.

Listen to whatever Cat says, and be forthcoming with information when he asks.

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I donā€™t know how to say thisā€¦ but I think Iā€™m your roleblocker.