I basically said everything but my role

Ash I know Someone is telling the truth about the roleblock.

and me claiming my actual role means fuck all since I didnt get to act once all game

We will get to you in due time.

do you have a good reason he should claim before you

Also, I think Catbae, Meme, and I should be the last ones to vote for obvious reasons.

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I dont think anyone should vote until like at least 24h cuz impulsive voting is how we lose


No; my role doesn’t interfere with how his should perform.

My take is that I just want him to claim first because I think he’s mafia, and I want to ensure that he doesn’t mold his claim around what everyone else claims.

Makes sense to me.

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because my mind right now is one of ash/someone claims first, then hazard, then memeking, then me

i think i’ve been kind of obvious but it’s possible my claim is useful


fair enuf

I think I have the most important role in the game. But your choice on the order we claim.

If we all claim do we lose outright

cuz 2 kills + normal

Nope. Mafia’s anyways going to get the strongman kill.
We lose if we kill the wrong person either today or tomorrow.

we exe maf we go to 6. we lose three and we go to three.

they can get 2nd strongman

if everyone claims

i think it’s already active, we just have to get it right today and tomorrow