I have had 0 paradoxes btw

I donā€™t see how they can get 3 Paradox Deaths without some insane mechanical chicanery.

Same. No Paradoxes on my end.

Hidden paradoxes because people wanted to not claim them early. So we donā€™t know If the dead have any

I think during rolecall we should claim paradoxes. Not now.

Why would we ever not claim it immediately

We know mafiaā€™s at 5 3rR0rs at the moment. Itā€™s been three nights, so they had to have claimed two 3rR0rs from Paradoxes or claims.
We know Leafiaā€™s thing probably gave an 3rR0r, so either mafia guessed a role correctly, or there was a single Paradox during the course of the game.

ash4fun said something about it. Because of ā€œscum could guess usā€

I need to look for it but Iā€™m not going to search but I do know it was said.

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Yeah. Figuring out the solve today is important I think. Right now, Iā€™m thinking Someone/Bystander. Not sure how viable that is though.


Its impossible

I asked and I would have gotten both messages

Of course youā€™d claim that because it includes you.

Because its a forced redirect


And that there was evil actions and I was roleblocked all game

Marluna must have picked me N1 I dont see how else its possible

Or so you claim. You could easily be lying about being rbed all game.

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Eaves claimed to target me, you saying the flip is fake?