Gonna step out for a bit; British Cinema final essay needs to get done.

if they’re mafia together why do you want the vote on hazard?


British cinema is a fucking wild assignment.


why is that?

if a wolf team is boxed their wincon is bussing/distancing that is what they do

and all of our assumptions rn is based that wolves are in poe

oh idc i just frel like itd be funny to vote outside cross loo


So you would say in this game you would bus your own team mate. So i should make the world of you and ash be still in my poe.

Time to head out for food. :sleepingleafeon:

my perspective here is that i want to see your solve

becausse from where i am standing you seem to me the most likely mafia and if i am wrong i need you to show me where. user Someone being mafia is a tough pill for me to swallow given the events of today with how his claim unfolded. I need you to explain that read and who you think is a likely partner.

i was in the middle of a reread but my stomach is killing me sorry i need to take a break

im saying that you using flimsy reasons to remove any worlds with wolf ash is unrealistic for a town and therefore wolfy.


This is just gonna go round in circles at this point and clog up the chat. So imma just say it really isn’t that flimsy. I never said ash was confirmed town i said the world you and ash are evil is not really possible.
Someone and ash still have ample team aura if their whole thing of chasing each others tail doesnt end up anywhere soon. Which i will be holding them accountable for


Let’s focus on the three people inside the POE: Someone, Hazard, and Bystander.
Someone has been socially off this entire game:

  • They’ve been pushing me this entire game, utilizing my inactivity to further push agenda (#1915 while I was sleeping, and the fact that he pushed me as being “10x more sus” less than five minutes after I stated that I was going to log off because I had to work on my finals).
  • They claimed an N1 RB as an informative, something even you pointed out as being suspicious, and claimed it was because they were “hoping a town role could go on me to either make me RB immune”.
  • They’ve tried framing me and Marluna as W/W.
  • They argued that my suspicion of Eaves and Marluna wholly invalidated my suspicion on them, despite Marluna having no choice but to vote for Someone out of self-preservation and Eaves eventually flipping town; they used this as a strawman argument to avoid addressing any of the claims I made at the time.
  • He claimed that his ability would “change the game” when it really just…tells people if their action succeeded or not, something that’s not useful given Meme’s ability.
  • They created a chart that indicts Bystander if Eaves is town, which they have promptly not brought up again (we will come back to this chart).
  • The mod error thing may have related to Someone, but ultimately, Catbae (you, hello) did not get any message. Someone did this exact tactic in Stellaris, hiding behind potential confirmation within his fakeclaim.

I believe the solve is Someone/Hazard.

  • Someone pushes Hazard twice, once in the context of a w!Eaves world and the second under false presumptions; the former is obviously conditional, and the latter is likely theater given how easy it is to disprove.
  • Hazard pushed Someone slightly during D1 but refuses to take a stance against him. He instead tunneled my “competitive” line.
  • When I asked Hazard, he said that he would rather vote Bystander over Someone if it came down to those two.
  • As soon as Bystander and I started pushing a w!Hazard world in #3188 and #3190, Someone jumped in to try and push me again.
    Combine this with the fact that Hazard’s claim is easily fakeable and does not jive well at all given Meme’s role, and you get my proposed solve.

Bystander is, in my opinion, just town. I’ve reread their posts, and I stand by my townread of them from D1 and D2. I also do not think a mafia member acts this aggressively during MeLo, especially given the locked votes, and calling negative attention to yourself when you just need two town members to follow a bad vote is not a winning strategy. They do not feel forced in their accusations; I believe their push on me stems from a genuine belief that I am mafia. Hence, it can’t be her, and that leaves Someone and Hazard in that POE.

And finally, I do not have anyone that I can feasibly be paired with as mafia.

  • I’ve hard pushed Someone this entire game.
  • I’ve voiced strong discontent with Hazard.
  • I’ve townread Bystander, but she certainly doesn’t townread me.
  • Leafia’s the only person I could feasibly be partnered with, but they are quite firmly town and quite firmly townread by everyone who’s actually played a v!Leafia game.
  • Meme is not mafia in any world.
  • And I don’t need to make the case for v!You.

Thank you.
I really need to get back to my essay now.

ok lets vote hazard

If you think i am wolf with someone. I am happy to just vote them. I think they have easy wolf equity with both you and bystander anyway.

nay ayanay