also like where were the strong town roles


Meme i wanna be on the good team with you. please

Night 1 Actions

  • Leafia: Has no night actions.
  • Chloe: Sleeps.
  • Hazardwaste: Kill tutuu.
  • Marluna: Make it so that everyone who targets tutuu, targets eaves instead.
  • catbae: Roleblock Memeking, ash4fun, and tutuu. (The RB on tutuu gets redirected to eaves.)
  • Memekingpizza: Visit Ash to turn him into Rank 999. (RBed by catbae. Had Memekingpizza not been RBed, then Memekingpizza would’ve been redirected to Someone instead.)
  • ash4fun: Give bystander an electric charge. (RBed by catbae.)
  • eaves: Forcibly activates Someone’s role and redirects Someone to Someone. (RBed by a redirected catbae.)
  • tutuu: If bystander gets manip’ed (e.g. RB, redirect, vanillaize), learn bystander’s alignment. ( Fails because nobody else visited bystander. Also, getting a charge from ash4fun is not manipulation, so it would’ve still failed anyway if ash4fun was not RBed. Succeeds because bystander was redirected to Someone. Also also, dies from Hazardwaste.)
  • Ash: If nobody else targets Someone, then all who targeted Ash will target Someone instead. (Succeeds. Originally failed because eaves visited Someone, but eaves got RBed by a redirected catbae.)
  • bystander: If Ash targets bystander, RB Ash. (Redirected to Someone, so apply aforementioned condition to Someone instead of Ash.)
  • Someone: Idling. Visit bystander. (Roleblocked)

Night 2 Actions

  • Leafia: Has no actions.
  • Chloe: Sleeps.
  • bystander: Sleeps. (Forgot action?)
  • Hazardwaste: Kill ash4fun.
  • eaves: Force Hazard to use ability on himself. (Fails because Hazard’s ability requires 1 Target and a number .)
  • catbae: Roleblock Someone, Chloe, bystander.
  • Someone: Visit Leafia. (RBed by catbae.)
  • Ash: If nobody else targets Someone, then all who targeted Ash will target Someone instead. (Fails because Someone got RBed by catbae.)
  • Memekingpizza: Visit ash4fun to turn her into Rank 2.
  • ash4fun: Visit eaves. (Success, but electric charge won’t have any effect since [1] her N1 action was blocked and [2] she is about to die.)

Night 3 Actions

  • Leafia: No actions
  • Chloe: Sleep
  • bystander: Sleep (Forgot action?)
  • Hazard: Kill Chloe, Give Someone 1-Shot modifier
  • catbae: Roleblock Memekingpizza and Ash
  • Memekingpizza: Turn bystander into Rank 999 (Blocked by catbae)
  • Ash: Redirect all actions directed to Ash to Someone ( Succceds because getting modifier is not manipulation…? Blocked by catbae)
  • Someone: Visit catbae (Nothing happens because catbae was not manipulated Got RBed by a redirected catbae )

List of Mod-Errors

  • Forgot to edit ash4fun’s Rank in her flip.
  • In Night 3, catbae and Ash interacted with each other. catbae wants to roleblock Ash, and Ash’s ability redirects catbae. According to NAR, Block > Redirection, so Ash should have been roleblocked, resulting in Someone not getting roleblocked. (Nothing effectively changed, so we just reported the mod-error and let Someone say that he shouldn’t have been blocked at N3.)
  • In Night 1, bystander and Ash interacted with each other. bystander wants to roleblock Ash, and Ash’s ability redirects bystaner. According to NAR, Block > Redirection, so bystander should have checked if Ash (actively) targeted her -which he didn’t- and done nothing. Ash would then redirect the idle bystander to Someone, which means that bystander would have received feedback from Someone’s ability.

The reason why the latter mod-errors exist is because I (Zone) took Ash’s ability for granted. I just thought “if Ash’s activation condition is fulfilled, then he is effectively immune to most visits”. Which is not the case.

Usually the confirmation of one’s role is not alignment-indicative, but Someone was getting suspected because of his role, and if bystander and he confirm each other after the mod-error, then it could have made bystander and Someone both pseudo-confirmed as Town. That is unfair to the Mafia members (even if they were winning), and that is why the last mod-error is not corrected.


points to meme’s role

what the fuck

what the actual fuck


fucking moderror and I never got told are you kidding me???


Bystander was redirected to you via Ash, I think.

I legit rulled out the fucking possibility for hazard/catbae because of that message


this makes sense

nope it was a moderror

Fuck this game what the actual hell

its unfair to me to lead me on a wild goose chase for a nonexistant roleblocker and mislead me

Fun fact if i could have acted night 0 you were going to 999

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@Zone_Q11 I am gonna fully say. This game must have been chaotic as fuck to run with all the interactions and bullshitery. even though you slipped up a few times. you still did pretty well


thanks bestie <3