or retroactively updated

What does it matter when you lynched me that day?

you had a vendetta XD.
“I want hazard gone!”

I lynched you because you claimed to roleblock me, I was never redirected

why did ya lie? i am dying to know

If you had claimed your actual role I would have voted myself over you

Spec Chat

Wdym you were never redirected

For fun

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When they are intentionally not fixed or notified they are lies

I was never redirected


those were what happened each night

I used my ability on you lel

you were roleblocked

but the issue is I never was

but I got a phantom roleblock

combined with you being roleblocked made it mech impossible for catbae’s claim to be false

You got RBed at N1 by catbae.

If that’s your interpretation, then sure. You do you.

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In the first video you can hear my gameshiw brain rot about saying evicted and weeks.

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