The jinxes looked like demons

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normally jinxes arent on the script itself i just misread it

He literally wasn’t and even if you had cleared him due to night actions, that clear should’ve gone away in your mind the instant you heard there was a second mod error that no one was told what it was.

I assumed the second mod error was a chain result of the first

aka me not being roleblocked → my night action went through → somebody else gets day info

due to timing, and I didnt want to discuss it more

That was on you. You should never assume anything.


Yea your right I should assume bastard elements in non bastard games u right

@Zone_Q11 I think I know a way you can avoid mod errors in your next game. Get a certain cute Leafeon to be your cohost.


There were no bastard elements in this game.

False host messages

aka host lying to you

A mod error is not the same as the host lying to you. No one is perfect Someone. Host errors are going to happen from time to time. Deal with it.

How so? the result is the same

A mod error isn’t intentional. A lie is.

The result is the same, thats a semantic difference

It’s an important differance though and I find it disrespectful to Zone how you keep on complaining about something that ultimitely didn’t matter.

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Im not the one who keeps bringing it up, but I have to defend myself

You’re literally the only one still talking about it.