leafia said she wanted you alive since she targeted you with her day ability, so Ash swapped to the Marluna wagon
when i asked him why he seemed to have genuinely forgotten Leafia’s claim and thought she was going to be dealing with you herself somehow

anyways bbl
do ur thang


so your suggesting mafia know what your ability is? i am slightly confused by this message (Honestly could be the hangover)


They know im investigative cuz I said so

but not all investigative are strong. eh looking at this tho its probably a nit pick and not really something i should pursue. just feels weird

weird ass vote


total lack of commitment feels it can easily be a distancing move

pretty sure hazard is just spewed outright from this terrible push here

marluna was fairly consistently defending Ash but i still think Ash is town independently of that. i guess there’s a world where she was just desperately trying to start a counterwagon but that’s supposing a lot


that was much less informative than i hoped

also like chloe is obviously town from marluna but i don’t actually need to dig into their posts for that hopefully

i mean

i guess you could ding ash for this for not following up with a vote

but still feels to me like most scum aren’t going to call out their partner exclusively in that sort of fashion

rereading ash i still can only see him as town

Gira im ngl i really want to kill eaves today lol

The drop in content from d1 to d2 is really jarring.
She seemed content with Ash and Someone wagons at a time when I was having serious doubts on Ash being a hit

Then voting Someone once we switched to Marluna from Ash, and… i dont think theres a single mention of Marluna in her iso? At least not off the top of my head - I legitimately cant tell you what she thought of the slot in the slightest

Just feels like a wolf who was fitting in well on d1 and completely fine with the status quo
Then once things shifted on d2 i sensed like zero solviness

I dont see how ash isnt evil tho like

unless yall got mech I dont see it

eeves is 100% on my shortlist for sus but ash is so much more sus

Have you tried to see it? Like - try to read his posts from a town pov

VOTE: eaves


I mean it feels identical to the game where he was evil when I was a mason

lemme find it