
ā€¦ explain cause i dont obviously see it as clearly as you

i guess i dont. iā€™ll iso Eaves in a sec just to fill in the void of silence that is starting to scare me

What happened to your scumread on Someone

Donā€™t be scared of me :person_fencing:

i am less scared of you. more of the just silence during usually the most active part of the day on this game

I donā€™t know but the way the last day ended makes me feel like I was right about Ash and Hazard being a pair, and when I called out that one Hazard post, it was only then when he decided to actually look at Ash

mate i wasnt even there eod

? you mean two nights ago?

What about it makes u feel that way?

Also i gtg iā€™ll read your reply in the mornin gn


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Two nights ago? Is the thread active at night

two nights ago for me irl.

Itā€™s just the votes. I think the rest of the mafia is in Someone/Hazard/Ash, and I wanna continue betting on my Ash and Hazard pair idea

Iā€™m not saying this as a player right now but you shouldnā€™t be positing yourself as the benchmark for timezones

iā€™m refering to this big wall post

idk why you wanna say ā€œI am not saying this as a playerā€ but i understand lol. i forget my timezone sucks

Oh yeah, this was what I was referring too, and this was a post after I said this:

and you believe that post was the reason why i looked into ash

not the fact ash was the second biggest wagon at the time of me doing the isoā€™s.

See, I donā€™t get this because Ash was also the second biggest wagon day 1 and you werenā€™t directly confronting him at that time, which is my point