Pathologic Invitational - TOWN VICTORY!!

Like, I had a pretty hard wolfread on Lemonfairy in the game you’re describing, but you’re saying she was towny there.

Idk, maybe this does mean I’m wrong here by some weird logic? But I don’t see her with either of the players I’m pushing and I also just explained why I think it would be weird if she was with May.

I’m noticing you decided not to unpair her with Nokiel and I kinda see why.

Wait, so you don’t think it could be Lemon/Nokiel? I might’ve misinterpreted, then.

It’s the biggest weakness of my towngame, so to speak, I can just always be a wolf to most people. And I get it, but also… well. Not sure what to do about it, haha.

if the team is kanave/nokiel then by poisoning people like jar then their plan has been to get the louder players to tinfoil each other but the issue is they haven’t been trying to push that narrative at all

kanave has been trying to kill eliza and nokiel

nokiel has been trying to kill… i don’t even remember who they have been trying to kill but i do remember they made a post claiming they believed the wolves’ plan was to make the louder voices suspect each other (which i am considering was just TMI) but saying this would be a complete blunder of what they were trying to achieve

no i don’t think it’s lemon and nokiel because i don’t think lemon tries to cfd kanave if the wagons are 4-beancat and 3-nokiel at eod2 because that risks nokiel dying in a way that gets her 0 credit

that was a bad game for me and you’re literally using that singular game to meta read me REEEEE

other games:

town games

GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered
'80s Wild Overhaul FM - TOWN VICTORY
Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

scum games
this is the most recent but it’s a mash

this is just confbias

I’ll be honest, I don’t know what they’re doing this game regardless of alignment, they’ve been playing really strangely and doing bizarre things.

Lemon, you said you would find the wolves instead of arguing with Arctic. Who do you think the wolves are?

it’s to save time :wowee:
might expand on them more later

it would be cool if i could have one towngame where the entire plan of the scumteam doesn’t hinge exactly on my actions

up to this point i’ve been wrong on almost everything and this is now culminating in me deciding the final elimination (i say final because i probably choose wrong)

yeah, that’s completely not what I’m doing right now and that is frustrating but

I think it could be Nokiel/May or Nokiel/Kanave

I still need to look at you/May, May/Kanave, and idk what’s the other one

this is like the mafia version of the truman show

I feel like I should be voting Kanave, since nobody but Kanave is with Nokiel, May can be with Kanave, and maaaaybe I’m wrong and Lemon can be with Kanave too. Nokiel can only be with Kanave.

VOTE: Kanave

You can always let me be wrong instead, since you seem to think I’m wrong or a wolf :wowee:

Have you explained why you saved both Nokiel and Kanave?

wolfy post mlord

Not this again, I’m pretty sure you did this to me posthumously in Gravity Falls.

I find it weird you aren’t focusing on them at all. Regardless of alignment, really.

nah, in gravity falls i thought you were town even after i died because of the exact reason that i died while being wrong on the last 2 wolves (if you were a wolf) and i know you of all people wouldn’t have killed me there

compare it to this game and, uh , yeah