Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

That’s the plan

Good is winning by the default at the start of most games.

Two people are dead

It’s basically d2

They weren’t dead N1.

yeah and you guys are chopping into town instead of actual seats that surely contains evil

assuming may/amelia were non-evil, with my chop thats gonna be 3 non-evil deaths 4th one comes tonight and then harpy will get 2 more tomorrow

I promise to revert to my other claim the moment I am jumped to, too

we won’t have enough dead votes to vote out all evil

so yeah, we don’t nees ST to tell us we are winning or losing

i can tell you we are losing this rn

ok so why shouldnt we kill you then

Ima play tos2 cya


because I am actually giving you guys a guaranteed evil in Jarek/Luka/Crazy

or you can listen to the general claim

or whatever is making them confirmed for others

but what if

and let me present this revolutionary idea

you were lying

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I don’t think this is true.

do you think i can lie about it all? who do you think i am lmao

Maybe? Probably not. Mad players just shouldn’t break madness.

if you cant lie then why are you playing a game that explicitly requires lying from some of the players

Also two guaranteed good players from your perspective.

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Do you think Luka or Jarek is evil, I don’t get it.