Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

how long left till whisper sesh ends? i am thinking of running out for tacos

Its 1st 24 hours so we should still have 12 left

Okay but fr why is may not talking to anyone after asking for talks :pensive:

late for class because of intense hallucinations

Nominations are open

12 hours left for whispers

I ran back home. I searched for him the next day.

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/whisper Amelia for real this time

I am in CLASS

Skill issue


I’m back for a little bit

/whisper baker

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Hi litten
Whos scum team
go 2/3 at least

I have some ideas but I need to talk to jarek first
If I’m right about this then I’m pretty sure I know two evils

Also need to talk to Amelia again now that I think about it to confirm this

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/whisper Litten

baker + litten +1?
/whisper baker

Litten might not be here I guess

come here bestie

/whisper Luka

I just made the whisper

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Ok Litten first

@Luka wait your turn