Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

I have been crumbing it


Can you point out where

im gonna go rest
i’ll be back near eod with vcs

Seat read

ping me if you want anything

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Baker claimed Amne who picked Soldier, who then backed into Philo who picked Soldier, into Noble.

I am so fucking lost


I can’t wait for baker to claim ninja now

What’s your case on all three of them?

im the real shuggy wuggy smh

no one can take that from me


Are you the phiisplger noble?

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even if im just a mutant

I am the Shugenja. That was one of my bluffs.


This is so dumb

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I actually believe Baker

Same as much as it hurts

well there you have it

i can die in peace now

so can we vote someone else