Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)


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this is not a joke. this is not a ha ha funny.

“I could have taken any other character.”
“But chaos.”

I felt bad.

I was preparing for all the minions to claim outsiders cuz I realized magnus couldn’t win if they was outted lunatic

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i don’t want to lock thread
give me 2 minutes and you can talk again


given the evil team has outted, i have decided that the votes are closed

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hazard is dead.
the good team wins.

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you may talk

there is legtimwtely nothiny I could have done here and that makes me upset

this is a victory of all time


i’ll do haha funny flavour later
this is obviously quite upsetting for numerous people.

Blood on the Clocktower.

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congratulations to the good team

It’s usually played as a shortform game for a reason.

can we go again

condolences to the evil team

For the record, Magnus only outed this information to me after regular whispers closed, I begged them in neighbourwords

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does anyone involved in this even want to play again
