Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

Its 1st 24 hours so we should still have 12 left

Okay but fr why is may not talking to anyone after asking for talks :pensive:

late for class because of intense hallucinations

Nominations are open

12 hours left for whispers

I ran back home. I searched for him the next day.

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/whisper Amelia for real this time

I am in CLASS

Skill issue


I’m back for a little bit

/whisper baker

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Hi litten
Whos scum team
go 2/3 at least

I have some ideas but I need to talk to jarek first
If I’m right about this then I’m pretty sure I know two evils

Also need to talk to Amelia again now that I think about it to confirm this

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/whisper Litten

baker + litten +1?
/whisper baker

Litten might not be here I guess

come here bestie

/whisper Luka

I just made the whisper

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Ok Litten first

@Luka wait your turn

/whisper baker