Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

I posioned may


ive had 2 witch games where i played my butt off and then the demon just gets killed
thats not something that i could control

its a hard lesson for someone whos spent 6 years playing mafia but
you cant win as minion all the time
and playing minion is so so different to playing mafia

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i was the harpy

my picks were Amelia - May

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you dont understand. the pain i am currently feeling.
I feel pissed that magnus decided to lead me along after i claimed demon to them
i feel like shit for removing litten and baker for a minion game
and i am annoyed with how i am acting after this game. but i dont think i have been this angry every


I’m very popular

i thought it would be funny

and it was for a while

like am i insane in thinking if someone outs demon to you. and your town. just end it there. right?

Like yes it was a genius play by magnus, I wouldn’t have ever claimed to them but I would have sunk a kill into them and it confused the outsider count

Don’t know if SW exists

I actually claimed SW so I probably prolonged it

doesnt matter. say that they are the fangu. and then look for a sw

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It’s more effective to lead them along

i think i understand
this is generally why AtE sucks the soul out of games, even if it wasnt intentional

I claimed earlier then because I thought Litten would figure it out.

they told me they were upset they werent the demon. i had a way to make them the demon.

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@litten was I obvious town this game

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you made an emotional decision and you got burned
one person thought it was a game
one person thought it was serious
of course it hurts so bad
its like betrayal

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idk i wanted to kill you because i didnt believe your information

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Did you believe me