Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

@Amelia has nominated @Mistyx

May read as good to me, but that’s only what they would want me to think if they were evil.

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so your ping was may as [???]/SW

and you told that to litten

who told crazy

but then who claimed the role that may would supposedly be if town to crazy

because again crazy only whispered litten and may

so if it was litten why wouldn’t he just tell you directly

Litten did some weird things, as per usual.

that doesnt even contradict anything amelia said it implies one of litten or crazy is lying

because thats not what I did

I just said “I have a ping on May” to litten

the only one who knew the specific ping on May was May themselves because I was figuring out what May’s character


then how did crazy get the info about the ping

if may told them why would he tell them the ping


can’t actually answer this question I know I only told may the exact ping

see this is what im getting at double claim aside there’s some Shenanigans:tm: going on here

@crazynuto how did you get amelia’s dreamer info

I didn’t actually lie

Nya nya nya nya nya~

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@may the whisper broke

also amelia did may claim to you before or after you told them what the ping was

People are going to blame me for playing weird and I have played perfectly normal this is one thing I am not taking responsibility for


may gave me a 2f2 and it didnt match the good character in ping

It was so cringe

I have concluded after using advance interrogating methods that may is actually town