Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

i think i have progressed a lot since my first botc

you all are great tutors


You’re a fantastic student. Although I do wish we could’ve started you off with a beginner script.

I’m intending to run a Trouble Brewing adjacent script sometime after my exams, which should hopefully be a familiar beginner script for any new players on this site to participate in.


i learned about bluffs/whispers/noms etc, or simply the basics in fall of rome

i learned 2f2 on that thief game and sometimes you cant nom or vote random

i learned to never trust litten too even in same team

see atlas sent me a guide on the whole mad stuff before rerand

silviu, mag you guys thought me a lot…

i am still no where near you people tho but its fun to be here


I am unironically glad your enjoying botc


its not for eveyone but it is always a gem when i see someone honestly enjoying this


now or you have left is to feel the pain of a heretic/athiest and you are fully initiated

*all not or

tell me about it

heretic (outsider) - who ever loses wins. and whoever wins looses (works while dead)


I’ve only seen records.

i want to run the insane asylum setup here (FM setup) coz thats a painful setup too but haven’t had the time to fine tune it for the playerbase here

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Athiest (townsfolk) - No evil team is in game. everyone is good aligned. town win by executing the st

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both offical characters

whats this?



an actual character made for this game

i have seen this in FM before. people didn’t like it :joy_cat:

its… fine…
its not as bad as heretic but you need to be really skilled as an st to run it

The best Heretic game I saw a video of ended with the Heretic bluffing Savant, the Alchemist Psychopath who somehow never killed the Demon, and the Imp.

my favourite heretic game was when i was heretic in a riot game… anxiety

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