Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

we won this game.

i won as riot the next game when the philo philo’d into the heretic and only told me

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can you show me a beginner script?

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Most Heretic games I see end in a silly way. I’ve only seen one win, and it was that video I mentioned. Usually the Heretic gets drunk or poisoned or Pit-Hagged or Fang Gu jumped or whatever instead.

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TB hold on

this is the beginner script

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the wiki lied to me

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this is it

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It’s such a low quality anyway.

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open image in new tab

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first thing i noticed is 1 demon

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Does this look…

Its really good for teaching basic mechanics

SNV teaches madness (the next level)

BMR is pain incarnate but i love it all the same

(these are all the offical scripts)


the first offical script only has imp yeah

btw i had this interesting thought while talking to someone what do you guys think:

i feel like both scarlet woman and baron can’t exist in same game

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