Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

is now a bad time to mention that amelia claimed shugenja to me in whispers and said the dreamer thing was a reaction test

i didnt bring it up until now bc i wanted to see if theyd bring it up themselves or keep pushing for stuff based on info they knew was false



nah he’s the vigo


What the fuck did you think I was doing im still trying to be “mad” as a townsfolk when I know you’re likely good

And you don’t feel the same about, you know, the player you were trying to get executed on false info?

i thought you were going to stop pushing mechanical info on someone who you didnt have it on

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As the vigo I feel offended that a player would fake outsider

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Correct, I think you are evil

Skill issue

I don’t get how “hiding behind Litten” is suspicious whatsoever when, again, the reason it is optimal to not execute me is because of my claim, and only Litten knows my claim.

I hid beiing mac when I was a pr in champs finals hiding behind players is not wolfy

Ideally, I don’t out that information at all! Ideally, that stays a secret! I am very frustrated that I had to do so in the first place! Unfortunately, you forced me to do it!

this game is awesome


I should stop drawing attention to that whatsoever. Anyway the redcheck is fake you clowns

Told you so


At this point I am in fact 100% okay with executing me. Clown on my play later.

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Little did we know, Amelia was the phiisplger turned mutant

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Add it to the dictionary

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How did you butcher it this bad