Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

I think it’s possible Harpied claimed Mutant just to get rid of the fake Dreamer info in the CC scenario, Mutant is an easy “actually I was good and fakeclaiming” scenario, but I think it indicates they’re OK with being executed

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The major problem though is they faked dreamer information when harpy doesn’t actually force them to lie about anything besides their read

Faking Dreamer info in the first place is what I think is questionable, not claiming Mutant to get out of it. They claimed Mutant after people started theorising about other answers to the 1f1, right?

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Im not harpy mad anyway

Just kill me so i dont become a tool for the ST’s amusement, ill flesh out the may case tm tomorrow

see but that’s not keeping madness that’s just getting yourself killed

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also, very pointedly, harpy mad wouldn’t claim shugenja with a result that points away from their target, even in whispers

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Misty, may is halfway across the circle from me.

That means shugenja info will tell me literally nothing about may

I have no idea if the grim I created has seating right

wrong! at the time of a shugenja check, may was 5 seats clockwise and 6 seats counterclockwise from you


Okay hold on i dont think shes on the exact opposite end

But learning info pointing to May would need a very specific evil setup :wowee:

See that’s what keeps getting me - Amelia has repeatedly said they’ll flesh out the case tomorrow and put it off

…i said that once?

Unless im losing my memory

Which way did they say it pointed to


Which player


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At least thats what I assumed I pulled it out of my arse